The day my heart stopped beating
This week I lost a day of my life.
Gone, a whole day, not there, nonexistent.
No tunnel of light, no angels, no floating above looking down.
Just gone, not there.
Almost echoing Epicurus;
"So death, the most dreaded of evils, is nothing to us,
because when we exist, death is not present,
and when death is present, we do not exist."
But I returned, resurected....hardly!
Just came back, minus one day.
Patched together information,
Enough to partially fill the gap:
Two ambulances and a helicopter,
The heroic efforts of a car body repair workshop employee
to hold life in me.
The cardioshock treatment and the hospital emergency team.
Life hangs by a slender thread,
Luck, chance, situation; though hardly fate,
Decides the outcome.
I lost one day, it could have been all days.
Now I must cherish those remaining.
I’ve learned at least what not being there entails:
It entails not being there.
I’m here now, lets go on.......
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